Output 1
1. Survey and case studies of Deaf EFL learners
Survey and case studies research findings
This part of the project was undertaken by the Hungarian team from the Department of English Applied Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), with the support and participation of the Austrian and the Czech colleagues. Based on the Hungarian team’s previous experience, the baseline research for the LangSkills project was designed as a mixed-methods investigation including a barrier free survey questionnaire and individual follow up interviews.
An online survey was conducted among Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing students in higher education in three participating countries where English is taught as a foreign language. Altogether 54 students could so be recruited: 12 from Austria, 27 from the Czech Republic, and 15 from Hungary.
In order to get a better and deeper understanding of the data from the participants’ perspective, individual face-to-face follow-up interviews were conducted at the three participating institutions in Brno, Budapest, and Vienna with four students/former students at each location.
Using these methods, a great amount of information was gathered which can be used as justifications for the methods and materials used in the online course of written English (Output 3) and the language teaching methodology materials (Output 2).
The final report describing the investigation process can be found here: Output 1 Final report.
The results of the investigations are published in leading national and international journals in English and in Hungarian and have been and will be presented at significant national and international conferences.
- Kontráné Hegybíró, E. (2018). Siket hallgatók az európai mobilitásban. Modern nyelvoktatás. 24. évf. 4. sz. (2018. december): 60-67. Available at URL: https://epa.oszk.hu/03100/03139/00037/pdf/EPA03139_modern_nyelvoktatas_2018_04_060-067.pdf
- Kontráné Hegybíró, E. & Csizér, K. (2019). A felsőoktatásban tanuló siket fiatalok degennyelv-tanulási tapasztalatai, motivációja és nyelvtudásuk szerepe a jövőjük alakításában. In Karlovitz János Tibor (szerk), Tanulmányok a tanügy és az oktatástan világából (pp. 98-107). Budapest: Neveléstudományi Egyesület.
- Csizér K. & Kontráné H. E. (2019). Felsőoktatásban tanuló siket hallgatók idegennyelv-tanulási motivációja: egy klaszterelemzésből levonható következtetések. Magyar Pedagógia, 119. évf. 2. szám 97–112. DOI: 10.17670/MPed.2019.2.97
- Csizér, K. & Kontra, E.H. (2020). Foreign Language Learning Characteristics of Deaf and Severely Hard‐of‐Hearing Students. The Modern Language Journal, 104: 233-249. DOI: 10.1111/modl.12630.
- Sedláčková, J. & Kontra E. H. (2020). Foreign language learning experiences of deaf and severely hard-of-hearing Czech university students. Pedagogická orientace 29(3). DOI: 10.5817/PedOr2019-3-336. Available at URL: https://journals.muni.cz/pedor/article/view/13259/11364.
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