Relief printing on microcapsule paper
Special foil, whose surface layer – if covered with black dye – creates a tactile relief through the action of heat.
Special technology
Fuser – a machine which provides the heat needed to create the relief (available from Zy-fuse and Piaf).
Preparation of source materials
These may be hand-drawn or created in a standard graphic editor (Corel, Photoshop, CAD etc.).
Production process
preparation of relevant materials with respect to the principles of accessible tactile graphics,
transferring the graphic onto microcapsule paper (via laser printer, copier etc.),
heating the printed foil in the fuser.
relatively quick preparation of source materials,
relatively low price of the fuser (depending on its type),
quick production of the graphic,
uncomplicated archiving of source materials (input) and output.
the graphic can only be one height (due to physical characteristics of the paper),
relatively costly operation (price of microcapsule paper),
quite rapid deterioration of the resulting graphic.