Summer Schools

The LangSkills2 project held three runs of International Summer Schools for D/deaf and hard of hearing students and their teachers.

The summer schools provide a discussion forum to talk about the topics of foreign language learning, learning styles, strategies and preferences, internationalisation and the importance of meeting internationally. The summer schools also wish to promote mutual knowledge, respect and understanding of the participants’ respective cultures.

Summer Schools

International summer school for deaf and hard of hearing learners and their teachers 2022

Learning foreing languages – how to study smarter, not harder: learning styles and preferences
When: 26th June – 2nd July 2022
Where: Telč, Czech Republic

International summer school for deaf and hard of hearing learners and their teachers 2023

Learning foreing languages – how to study smarter, not harder: learning styles and preferences
When: 9th – 15th July 2023
Where: Lublin, Poland

International summer school for deaf and hard of hearing learners and their teachers 2024

Learning foreing languages – how to study smarter, not harder: learning styles and preferences
When: 30 June –  6 July 2024
Where: Siena, Italy
